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Gazing at the picture I see a young man seventeen to about eighteen. His skin is tan and has a radiant glow. His hair is extremely curly and jet black and fashioned into an afro that is incapable of fitting into his high school picture. He wears a collared shirt that is opened slightly at the top and is striped brown and tan. His face is elated and content, which is how a teenager should be, contrasting his appearance from his younger years and how he presents himself today. You would almost be confused about how the person you see almost everyday and the person that is represented in the photo are the same. But when you look harder under his profuse amount of hair you can see the resemblance of what he looks like today.


Today my father wears a black visor to cover his receding hairline which is joined by mass amounts of salt 'n pepper hair. His face is almost ageless and continues to be tan, but now posses characteristics of age. He wears a t-shirt that is rarely seen because a vest usually hides his shirt. Instead of wearing his joyful, elated grin wear a perplexed frown. Although when he chooses to smile, he still possesses his teenage like grin.


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