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The Early Morning Journey


I remember it, as if i did it yesterday. I woke up early in the morning, so early infact that the sun  was still far away on the horizon. It was a cold winter day, and every single living being was asleep. I was too excited I couldn't sleep because that was the day I was going back from my country house back home.  We took off a little later that day at about ten in the morning, It took about four hours to get back home from there and I really wanted to get back home by lunch. As we drove away the first thing I saw was a dark thick forest full of trees, the forest was like a huge wall that covered my country house away from the rest of the world and inside it felt as if time has stopped and all you had to do was just relax. As we drove out of the snowy forest we turned to a  highway which lay across the whole map, and took nearly the whole journey back to my home. We drove for about an hour with dark thick forests all around us, then the landscape changed dramatically.  First the forests became a little more hilly, and then we ended up driving across some very big mountains which were all covered in sand dunes of snow. After a few more hours I saw the nature I was more used to for it was the landscape of my home.


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